he will eventually become a statesman 意味

  • 結局は政治家になるだろう


        eventually become a regular smoker:    結局日常的{けっきょく にちじょうてき}に喫煙{きつえん}するようになる
        eventually become obsolete:    最後{さいご}には古臭くなる
        eventually:    eventually 後程 のちほど 早晩 そうばん その内 そのうち 結局 けっきょく
        statesman:     statesman n. 政治家. 【動詞+】 England has produced many great statesmen. イギリスは偉大な政治家を輩出している. 【+動詞】 A great statesman has appeared. 偉大な政治家が出現した. 【形容詞 名詞+】 broad-minded and farseeing st
        eventually succeed:    結局成功する
        say eventually:    たまりかねて[やっとの思いで?おもむろに]言う
        he:    he 同氏 どうし 先方 せんぽう 彼 かれ あの方 あのかた
        he's:    {1} : he is の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : he has の縮約形 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        s/he:    {代名} : 彼女または彼は[が]◆she or he の略
        august statesman:    威厳{いげん}のある政治家{せいじか}
        blossom into a statesman:    やがては立派な政治家になる
        elder statesman:    elder statesman 元勲 げんくん 元老 げんろう
        eloquent statesman:    雄弁{ゆうべん}な政治家{せいじか}
        global statesman:    世界的{せかいてき}な政治家{せいじか}
        great statesman:    優れた政治家


  1. "he will do the same again" 意味
  2. "he will drop the title and be known as…" 意味
  3. "he will end (up) in the gutter" 意味
  4. "he will end by marrying her" 意味
  5. "he will end his days in the electric chair" 意味
  6. "he will face objections from…" 意味
  7. "he will feed us information for monetary consideration" 意味
  8. "he will find his warmest welcome" 意味
  9. "he will give an interview to the delegation" 意味
  10. "he will end by marrying her" 意味
  11. "he will end his days in the electric chair" 意味
  12. "he will face objections from…" 意味
  13. "he will feed us information for monetary consideration" 意味

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